OOTD : Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman

8:58 AM

Not a girl, not yet a woman. Anyone can guess what i mean? 

Tonight i'm back with another outfit post! Yes, last weekend, i managed to take outfit photos with le friend. So happy!

After my first photo, anyone can guess why did i give this post with tittle Not a girl, not yet a woman? It's simply because, what will you do when you want to be a real woman but you just love your sneakers too much? No heels at all because you want to run freely without feel afraid that you may fall, like a little girl ;)
As a sneakers lover, it feels more comfy to wear them rather than heels, wedges or whatever. You can jump, run, and dance. But girls, is that okay to wear sneakers with a dress? DEFINITELY OKAY. It's a trend anyway. Even some people wear dress with sneakers in a formal occasions. 

Wearing a dress with sneakers can be tricky as well. Be careful with the type of your dress. Here, i will share some tips (DO and DON'T) for you (and me) from Michelle Kelchak, Keds' Design Director (the fashion spot, 2013).

1. Do Consider the Season and Fabric of Your Dress
The perfect pair of sneakers for your dress depends a lot on the style of the dress you're wearing and the time of year. For example, if it's summer and your dress is made from a lightweight fabric, choose a lightweight material for your shoes, such as canvas. If it's fall and your dress is made of wool, pair it with suede or leather sneakers.

2. Do Have Fun Experimenting with Prints and Colors
Mixing prints can be a tricky but it's a great way to show off your sense of style. For example, if florals are your fave, pair your large print floral dress with small flower print sneaker. Please make sure both prints share a similar color, that's the key! 

3. Don't Go to the Extreme
A melange of masculine and feminine is always a fun fashion twist, but don't taking things too far. Never wear a feminine frilly dress and a pair of athletic sneakers, NEVER.

4. Don't Forget Proportions
Avoid instances where wearing sneakers will visually cut off your legs. Keep proportions in mind. Never wear high tops with a knee length skirts which will make your legs look shoes. 

What do you think about the tips? I'm totally agree with those statements. So be careful if you still want to keep your fashion high!

Btw, did you notice something different with my hair? I just cut my hair short before the photoshoot! >.<

Melanie Dress in White : N.Y.L.A Store
Bag : Zara
Sneakers : New Balance 576 (Vintage Series)

Thank you for reading, i'll see ya on my next post!



REVIEW : innisfree

10:28 PM

Hai Girls, welcome bag to my blog! Nah malam ini, aku akan memberikan review lagi tentang salah satu brand yang cukup terkenal, dan kayaknya hampir semua cewek yang make up junkie atau pun yang suka mencoba dan mengoleksi skincare pasti tau brand ini. And it's one and only "innisfree"! Yesh, salah satu brand terkenal dari Korea, tempat oppa oppa ganteng itu *eh salah fokus*. 

Jadi, minggu lalu, aku diberi kesempatan dari ClozetteID dan Innisfree Indonesia untuk mencoba beberapa produk dari Innisfree. Produknya terdiri dari Green Tea Seed Serum dan beberapa masks which are It's Real Squeeze Mask-Bamboo, It's Real Squeeze Mask-Bija, Anti-Aging Mask Smile Line, Anti-Aging Mask Neck and Collarbone, Skin Clinic Mask Hyaluronic Acid dan Skin Clinic Mask Collagen. Pas unboxing paketnya, ga sabar banget buat cobain. And let's start!

1. innisfree - The Green Tea Seed Serum

Pertama aku buka serum ini kesannya ya ampun imut banget! Wah gampang buat dibawa travelling nih, asik! Haha, yesh itu first impression aku pas liat serum ini. Actually, aku udah baca beberapa review tentang green tea serum innisfree ini. Dan ini adalah one of innisfree BEST SELLER! Gimana ga bahagia pas tau kalo aku bisa cobain ini, hihi.
Saking semangatnya, pas beres mandi aku langsung pakai ini serum loh. Warnanya bening, and it smells so gewd! It smells like green tea with a bit citrus scent. Serum ini diperkaya dengan biji teh hijau dan perasan teh hijau dari Pulau Jeju. It will hydrate your skin from deep within! 

Tekstur dari serum ini lebih watery daripada serum-serum lain yang pernah aku coba. This serum absorbs quickly, tapi agak lengket. Jangan khawatir karena it goes away within a few minutes. Habis itu bener-bener kayak habis ga pake apa-apa.

Cara pengaplikasian serum ini gampang banget. Pertama, pump serum secukupnya di telapak tangan. Usapkan langsung ke wajah yang sudah bersih sambil pijat lembut dengan jari. Tunggu sampai meresap ke permukaan kulit. It's so easy, isn't it?

Pros :
+ Lightweight, mudah dibawa-bawa
+ Lebih mudah dan hygienic, soalnya pake pump
+ Refreshing
+ Cepat meresap ke kulit
+ Harum
+ Moisturizing

Cons :
- Agak lengket

Score :
4.5 out of 5

2. innisfree - It's Real Squeeze Mask Series - Bamboo and Bija

Bamboo :
- Mengandung ekstrak bambu untuk mencukupi kebutuhan cairan pada kulit 
- Menjaga kelembapan kulit. 

Bija :
- Mengandung bija oil
- Membantu kulit bermasalah agar terlihat lebih bersih dan lembap

Overall, kedua duanya waktu dipakai itu terasa dingin banget di wajah. I felt so fresh after using them! Love banget, kalian kudu cobain pake banget!

3. innisfree - Anti-Aging Mask Series - Smile Line and Neck and Collarbone

Smile Line :
- Membantu memperlambat penuaan
- Mengatasi masalah kulit kering dan berkurangnya elastisitas kulit area bibir yang disebabkan oleh stress dan penuaan

Neck & Collarbone :
- Membantu meningkatkan elastisitas kulit leher dan area collarbone

4. innisfree - Skin Clinic Mask Series - Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen

Hyaluronic Acid :
- Mengandung hyaluronic acid yang membantu mengembalikan energi pada kulit kering
- Melembapkan kulit kering sehingga terlihat lebih muda dan sehat

Collagen :
- Mengandung kolagen untuk membantu peremajaan kulit
- Membuat kulit terasa lebih kenyal dan sehat

Nah, lucu-lucu kan maskernya! Ga cuman lucu, setiap masker punya manfaatnya masing-masing ya. Kalau kalian pencinta masker kayak aku, wajib banget nyobain maskernya Innisfree ya. 

Oh ya, kalian yang berdomisili di Indonesia, pasti bingung mau nyari produk Innisfree dimana. Aku punya kabar gembira untuk kita semua! Innisfree will be opening soon in Jakarta, Indonesia this March! YAYYYY! Mereka akan buka gerai pertama di Central Park Mall dan Senayan City. And i bet, waktu open pasti bakal rame banget dah. Jadi sekarang, kalian gausah bingung lagi mau cari Innisfree dimana.

Nah, sekian postingan review aku hari ini, Semoga bermanfaat yah!
Once again thank you so much buat ClozetteID dan Innisfree Indonesia. 
See ya guys on my next post!




5:00 AM

Heyho fashion people! I'm back again! As i promised you, i tried to be more active here. These past weeks, i took new outfit photos almost every weekend! YAY! Thankfully, i have my babi and my friends who have same hobbies and passions with me (narcism, crazy, took photos almost everywhere, cafe hopping, LOL). Oops, pardon us! I guess we have to love what we do and do what we love, agree? :D

Actually, last month, me and Wenny (my office-mate) were searching for cute place to take photos. And we found a pretty cafe at Muara Karang, North Jakarta. We made a plan to pay a visit. And just yesterday finally our plan came true! Daaangggg, i was totally in love with the concept of this cafe. All white, Baby Breath, Coffee. Perfect. What a nice ambiance! I will go back there again. 

Another Earrings from Girin Store!

Suliven Dress in Blue : Chocochips Boutique
Earrings : Girin Store

Coffee AYA
Ruko Niaga, Muara Karang Blok Z8 Selatan No.19, Pluit, Jakarta Utara

The dress, the place and my friend, all cute right? ^^
See you on my next post, thank you for your visit!


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