OOTD : Modern Ethnic

8:12 PM

Happy Monday Happy People!
Who loves Monday? I guess almost all people really hate Monday. Back to school, back to work, back to reality, wake up early, catch up with traffic jam. Everyone wants to skip this day. Some quotes say "Dear Monday, I want to break up"
Me myself, sometimes also hate Monday. I wish i could get back my weekend. No need to set morning alarm, no need morning shower, sleep all day, curl up in bed. But these days i realized, why do you hate Monday? Monday didn't do something wrong. Monday is a brand new day. It stands for new opportunities. Another quote says "People who hate Mondays, don't hate Mondays. They hate their jobs."
I can relate. If you don't love your job, you will not enjoy it. So, pick your dream job, do what you love, and you'll love Monday as you love your job. Do work you love and Monday will feel great!
Yay It's Monday, Don't Forget to Shine! Time for a new outfit post! 

Just a quick outfit post. I wore asymmetric batik top and pair it with jeans and wedges to make it looks modern chic. The top is super love, i really love the style, motif, and color! 

Batik Top : The Rosemary
Wedges : Little Thing She Needs



Vitalis Eau De Cologne White Empress

8:38 PM

Good morning good people, welcome back to my blog ^^
So, many of my followers on Instagram asked me to post about Vitalis campaign to my blog, so here i'm gonna share it with you, hope you enjoy today' post!

Jadi, minggu lalu, Clozette ID dan Vitalis mengirimkan Vitalis Eau De Cologne White Empress yang merupakan varian ekslusif parfume Vitalis yang memberikan sensasi aroma yang mewah dari floral green, aroma bunga jasmine, lily, cyclamen dan sentuhan lembut musk dan cedarwood. Scent nya gimana ya? Tentunya harumnya glamour, feminim, dan elegan. Cocok banget buat kita yang suka harum mewah tapi tidak berlebihan. 
Selain itu, packagingnya juga ekslusif. Botolnya dari kaca yang tentunya tebal dan tutup nya seperti kristal. Jangan khawatir takut pecah, karena kemarin waktu photo shoot, aku ga sengaja nyenggol botolnya dan jatuh ke lantai, kaget takut pecah, eh ternyata aman tentram sentosa hehehe
Tapi ya jangan dibanting juga ya, namanya kaca pasti bisa pecah juga. 

Nah kebetulan, Vitalis lagi ngadain kontes foto #VitalisEmpresion yang hadiahnya tentu tidak sedikit. Hadiahnya puluhan juta rupiah loh! Nah aku juga join nih kontesnya, siapa tau beruntung bisa jadi winner, he he. Untuk detail lombanya, bisa buka link instagram mereka ya disini https://www.instagram.com/pesonavitalis/

Hari minggu kemarin, akhirnya aku memutuskan buat foto. Aku pakai white long dress gitu sama tiara biar kayak queen atau princess gitu. Sesuai temanya, kan parfumnya itu mewah, luxury dan juga elegan. Langsung saja ya kita cusss ke foto-fotonya, semoga pada suka ^^

Spray spray all over my palace, ups i mean my body >.<

Let me take you to see my palace (i wish), hehe

Lucu kan istana nya? hihi
Sekarang mau ajak kalian buat liat depan istananya, yuk!

🎵Tale as old as time, True as it can be🎵

Nah usai sudah ceritaku hari ini bermain di istana. Oh ya, all photos were taken by my boyfie hehe. Thank you for your support, love! 

Tiara by : Bridesmate_
Long Dress by : Chocochips
Heels by : Zalora ID


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